I love watching the chimps learn new ways to participate in their own healthcare. We’ve had a KardiaMobile device for a little while now, thanks to a generous donor who purchased it from our wish list, but only after making sufficient progress with other medical behaviors was our PRT team able to begin setting their sights on training everyone for cooperative EKGs. In theory it’s a simple behavior to train, since it doesn’t involve any pain or discomfort, but getting a chimpanzee to sit still for 30 seconds straight, while at the same time getting their friends to wait their turn, can be a challenge. Kudos to our training team and to our current EKG champion, Willy B. But watch your back, Willy—once we adjust the platform to accommodate ol’ stubby fingers (aka Terry), you may have some competition!
Hey, speaking of wish lists and generous donors…if you’d like to help supply the sanctuary with food, enrichment, medicines, supplies, and other necessities, please check out our Christmas in July drive and help empty our wish lists!