Chimpanzees are amazing communicators. Other than their vocalizations we all know and love, chimpanzees also use a wide array of gestures to communicate. Jamie is one of the best at this. As you might be aware, Jamie is a being with some very particular tastes. When she wants something, she usually won’t let up until she gets it. Sometimes this takes several tries. Sometimes it takes more than one person to decipher Jamie’s code. In this case it was both! As you can see in the video, Jamie would point at J.B., then point at me. It took us a little while, but we ended up figuring it out! She wanted the thing J.B. was carrying and the thing I was carrying, and for us to put them together. It now seems kind of obvious in hindsight, but in the moment, it was really, really confusing.
Here are some bonus photos from today’s lunch forage!
Willy B

Rayne during breakfast