Somehow, here we are at another month sans any resident chimpanzee or bovine birthdays! But we made it to spring! So, human friends, you’ve got to party it up extra hard for us this month! If you’ve been following the chimpanzees for any time at all, we know they’ve taught you well. Happy Birthday to all our April reveler friends out there!
However! On April 1st, Missy’s insanely handsome son (and Honey B’s brother!), Josh, turned 37! Josh is another former resident rescued from Wildlife Waystation after they closed and he is now thriving at his new forever home at Center for Great Apes (from where I blatantly stole this beautiful photo)! Hearing this is such heart-happy news for us.
And as many of you are probably aware, today Jane Goodall is celebrating her 90th birthday! Her impact (not to mention passion and stamina) is immeasurable and I couldn’t hope to expand upon any of the countless ways in which she continues to contribute to our world. But what a remarkable way to live a life. There are, of course, countless every day ways to live a remarkable life, the majority of which involve seemingly small actions that most people remain none the wiser of, particularly ourselves. But it’s inspiring and sometimes hopeful, isn’t it? Seeing the kaleidoscope of ways in which following our singing hearts can reimagine and recreate so much for the world and the lives of those we share it with. Including our own lives. (Photo: Jane Goodall Institute/Shawn Sweeney):
I’ve had the great fortune of meeting Dr. Goodall twice. The first, was not long after I’d begun volunteering at the sanctuary while still living in Seattle. My best friend surprised me with tickets to the screening of Disney’s “Chimpanzee” which Jane Goodall was presenting and somehow we wound up sitting next to her. It was a small venue and in my crazy follow my heart kind of way I just walked right up to her after the showing. She was patiently signing a book for me as I nattered away and when I mentioned the chimpanzees her eyes met mine and lit up. A media photographer took our photo and sent it to me as a surprise. Me, smiling like a goof, Dr. Goodall in her ever composed calm. A zillion people have had the good fortune to hear her inspirational talks, often getting to meet her and have their photos taken with her, and yet I’d bet it holds the same magic for each of us.
Not that you asked, so feel free to scroll ahead ;), but at the time, I was over a decade deep in a previous life career I was passionate about, also working with individuals who were living in a form of captivity, though as a consequence of their own human behavior. But I was readying for a change. A pure leap of heart and faith. But you know when you stand on such precipices, all the doubts and worries come swirling up around you. I still so clearly remember driving home that night along the lake I lived by, the world awash in the most stunning blue hour, my mind awash in excitement and possibility from having spoken with Dr. Goodall, the indigo silhouettes of herons along the water’s edge. And in that very moment feeling surer than sure that following my dream of working with chimpanzees was somehow, miraculously going to become a reality. Or that I at least had to take the leap and try.
I cherish this memory. Not only because of the inspiration that comes from getting to meet those we admire, but also because of the inspiration and courage living within our own hearts that we get to catch glimpses of in such moments. So you see, something seemingly inconsequential to one, perhaps something done a million times over, can make a profound difference for someone. Or for many.
Happiest of birthday wishes to you, Dr. Jane Goodall, from all of us here at the sanctuary! Thank you so much for your resilient heart so full of tenacious hope, possibility and kindness.
And I’d be remiss not to mention, as in the gracious and heartfelt Sponsor a Day post in memory and celebration of loved ones passed earlier today, April 30th is incomprehensibly, the first anniversary of Jody’s passing. I had first typed, “the first anniversary of our lives without Jody.” But that’s far from accurate. At the risk of penning a platitude, which I personally loathe even though well-intended, right next to the very real pain that will always be in our hearts, is also beautiful, endearing, Jody, every second of every day. Her group will forever be “the seven.” I still call out hello to her when we walk around the hill and pass the lilac grove where she is buried, I still talk to her when serving her family meals, or when Foxie uncharacteristically lowers her forehead or lifts her ankle to the caging for a knuckle rub – exactly like Jody used to do and as Foxie never did when Jody was here – I speak to her every day when working from home as I gaze at her photo hanging on the wall above my desk. We will ache in our missing and delight in our celebrating of this beloved chimpanzee woman and she will be part of our lives for all our days forward.
I know I’ve share this before, but it’s one of my all-time favorite photos of Jody from an epic Easter forage past. Pure Joji <3:
I feel like I had something else to share with you all, but I just cannot bring it to mind. Foxie was cute this week. Newsflash! Each of the chimpanzees and bovines are just such amazing individuals. Another newsflash!
Each of you help make so many things possible for the chimpanzees, bovines, and all of us here at the sanctuary, every day. And if you ever doubt that, just look at this Queen (Negra) I captured awhile ago in all her glory:
Happy April to you all! As always, thank you so very much for being here with us.