Earlier this week, I was conducting my security checks to enure it was safe to give the chimpanzees access to Young’s Hill first thing in the morning. As I was checking a few locks that lead to Young’s Hill, Negra was sitting at the door that leads to the outdoor enclosure, clapping at me. This is more often than not Negra-speak for “Hurry the expletive up!” (I just assume Negra curses like a sailor when communicating with the humans.)
As the good loyal subject that I am, I obeyed my queen’s wishes and put a little more pep into my step. When I finally got the clearance to let them outside, Negra was the first one out, and she was moving with a purpose. Why did she want to go outside so badly? She had left some things out there from the day prior. (Also note, please watch J.B.’s video from yesterday.)
Cauliflower! Negra remembered there was leftover cauliflower from the previous day’s forage. And Negra was on a mission to find all the leftovers, regardless of the fact breakfast was about to be served.
This was a little different than the normal foraging for morning Spring grass. Just like Burrito this morning.
Burrito’s morning forging was interrupted by screaming from his neighbors, so he jettisoned back to home base to watch.
With all this foraging, I decided, “What the heck? I’m sure they’ll like another one. I’m sure there will be something leftover for her tomorrow morning.”
And just like the other day, Negra was the first one out. There was chow biscuits to be had and neighbors to snoop on after all!
Even Missy made sure to keep an eye on her neighbors to not miss anything exciting they might do.
But to others, the food was more important. Especially when one of those food items is pears!
As some of you know, Jamie is a fiend for pears.
We are pretty sure Jamie was able to find every pear slice out there.
For Foxie, her pears were carrots.
And for Burrito, his pears were shallots.
My apologies! I could have sworn I got photos of Annie, but I guess I was mistaken. Just know that she was eyeing all the kohlrabi.
With one final grab at a whole kohlrabi, Negra headed back inside.
She didn’t even break eye contact from the Bray on her way in.

As the day begins to wind down and dinner is being prepared, I will leave you with two bonus photos!
Jamie fishing some raisins out of a pool we left her.
And Missy, right above Jamie, fishing raisins out of a raisin board.