Sending out our heartfelt thanks to Donna Hughes for sponsoring this special day of sanctuary in celebration and memory of the beautiful and the bittersweet, both of which we so often find in life, are held, glittering, in the same breath.
“I would like to sponsor a day to honor all of the chimpanzees and cattle who are lucky enough to reside at CSNW. Shout out to you, Foxie One! This sponsor day is bittersweet for me, as it was my shared birthday with Doreen. To honor the chimps and the cattle on this day, makes me feel better!!! I know it is Doreen-Approved!! Have a great day, Everyone!!!”
Donna, we are all thinking of you and remembering Doreen today and so grateful to have you both as part of the chimpanzees’ and bovines’ extended family. Thank you so much for sharing your day with us and we hope that it’s filled with some Doreen (and Foxie!) kinda magic. Happy Birthday to you both!