In the spirit of Jamieween, this blog will be all about Jamie. I think we all know how much I adore Jamie. She is such a complex individual. But the thing I admire the most about Jamie is how self assured of an person she is.
As Chad and I were cleaning the Playroom Jamie requested, well first, she demanded the last of the raspberries growing in our gardens. Once the raspberries were gone she requested I put on a boot and go for a walk. I like to call it a Jamie walk. A Jamie walk is when you drop everything and go, even if it means leaving Chad to clean alone. This happens to Chad a lot when we clean together, but he gets it, it’s a Jamie walk! It’s important to remember that Jamie makes the calls, she decides how fast, how far, if we walk or if we drive along side her, wear a boot too small, wear a boot 4x too big, carry a book, and even who can join the walk (chimps or human).
I remember back to my first couple of years of working here, when Jamie would request a walk with me, multiple times a day. Most of the time, she wouldn’t mind when other chimps like Burrito joined or if I brought a volunteers to join us! But there were many times when I would bring someone along and she would turn around and go back inside then request a walk shortly after, this process would repeat until you unfortunately left the other person behind, but you can’t deny what Jamie wants for her walk! Or when she would hide in the culvert to wait out chimps who tried to join us on our walk. These days, I often find that she doesn’t mind people tagging along, especially Burrito.
Over the years of walking with Jamie they have adapted and changed. However, her intent has never changed. Jamie may not do 15 walks in a day anymore, we might not always be sprinting up the Hill as often, but the walks we do go on are quality time with a friend. Walks are a cherished time to spend with the chimps. Jamie is a very remarkable individual and I have always felt honored each time she has asked me to join her for a walk. Walks with Jamie always feel like a special time to slow down and appreciate this job and the unique experience that this is. Watching the chimps explore Young’s Hill or the Bray makes my heart swell with joy, especially when it adds so much value to their lives, especially for a chimp like Jamie.
Make sure to tune in for Jamieween tomorrow!!!