Can you believe Burrito is about to turn 41 years young on January 6th? Sometimes I forget because it feels like his energy is never-ending. Every day we are so grateful for Burrito’s presence. He brings such a light to our lives with his easy-going, fun-loving personality. Life with Burrito is always full of laughter and joy. In celebration of Burrito’s 41st birthday we will be having a photo contest to have you all pick your favorite photo of Burrito, we will then be selling the photo with the most votes. I know we all want a photo of Burrito in our homes! We will post the contest every day on the blog, so you can vote once per day and you are welcome to vote for more than one photo! The contest ends on January 8th at 6:00 p.m. PT.
Not everything got delivered in time for Chimpmas. Jamie got to open her new boots today and was soooo happy! I mean look at them, who wouldn’t be:
She built a giant nest for her and her boots to nap in and seemed very content the rest of the day:
Burrito spying on the neighbors at lunch:
There were a few extra photos of Rayne and Cy from Saturday:
Don’t forget to vote!