Honey B is still doing great while recovering from her recent procedure. She is spending some time in the front rooms as she heals, so that we can continue to monitor her and ensure that she has everything she needs. Like Amanda mentioned yesterday, we are working to fill her rooms with enrichment to keep her happy and busy. She is still resting quite a bit, but today she has been moving around some more and has been enjoying the enrichment that Ellen and Diana put out for her!
I always enjoy watching Honey B work on enrichment puzzles- she is wicked smart and so, so cunning. And, sometimes, she takes something that we gave the group and turns it into her own form of fun (see: Honey B vs. Target, Mischief Managed, & The Great Hose Heist for just a few examples). It’s always a unique & fun challenge in situations like this to create engaging enrichment for one individual. Today, for example, Ellen took pieces of our brown kraft paper, crumpled them up really well, and hid seeds in some (but not all) of them! As soon as Honey B got the spaces back after cleaning, she immediately set to finding the paper balls and going through them for the seeds.
This reminded me of a video I had taken of Honey B a few weeks ago while she was working on a raisin board. I thought it was brilliant because she was balancing on a firehose while working on it, so extra points to her for balance! And a big thanks to Diana, who got the video of Honey B working to find some radicchio (a favorite of hers) this morning.
The rest of the chimp house has been pretty quiet all day, right now I think most everyone is either nesting or grooming. No better activities for a snowy day like this, in my opinion!
Even when recovering from a procedure, she can still give us some great side eye:
Curled up and resting:
Oh, that’s not Honey B! Here’s a sneaky Lucky, who was using her foot as a chin rest:
Terry came over to sit next to Honey B in the window: