123123…4! Happy New Year, everyone! And so we begin again. At least in regard to the Gregorian calendar. Whether we come leaping or limping into the new year, we friends o’ the chimpanzees are lucky to have Burrito in ours lives to help usher us in and focus on here and now. The only true time.
In case you’ve missed our blatant hints so far, Burrito is turning 41 on the 6th! (It’s possible there may still be just enough time to scoop up the lingering slinkies on his Wishlist if you are so inclined). If ever there was proof of age only being a number and time being non-linear, it’s this endearing and beloved guy.
So January celebrating friends, you have a pretty high celebration standard to uphold and we hope you do Burrito (and all of the chimpanzees) proud and take in every bit of joy you come across.
Jamie (first photo) and Burrito (above and below) taking in the first views of 2024 on their new climbing structure. And Missy, taking in the first zooms.
Book-ending this birthday month is the beautiful, brave, and regal, Rayne. We will be celebrating her 34th birthday on January 29th! Raynie is queen of exhibiting calm, supportive, and decisive leadership for her fellow group mates when they need it most. Even, maybe especially, when they think they don’t need it at all (we’re looking at her half-sister, Honey B, and Willy B here. 🙂 ).
Gordo and Rayne:
Rayne is so special.
For very different reasons, Burrito and Rayne have spirits made all the more incredible by the fact they have histories not remotely conducive to the development of the glimmering souls they are. I look at them, and their thirteen friends and family members, and wonder with awe, “How?”
There are, I think, more mysteries than answers to that question, but one reason is most certainly, *you*, and the lives in their sanctuary home you help make possible. A safe and loving home for them to shine, just exactly as they are. A priceless gift we are endlessly grateful for and want to radiate out for every living being.
And bonus January birthdays to celebrate!
Negra’s beautiful daughter, Heidi, who lives at Chimp Haven in Louisiana, and is turning 40 on January 8th! We have the special gift of having a staff caregiver (Sabrina) who has had the unique privilege of working with Heidi. Her blog post about Negra and Heidi is really beautiful.
And Jody’s handsome son, Bart, who lives at Save the Chimps in Florida, will be turning 32 on January 14th! (photo courtesy of Save the Chimps):
We are so grateful for you! It’s amazing what just your being here in the world, being yourselves, makes possible for so many. Just like the chimpanzees. 🙂
Happy Birthday, January friends, Happy New Year, all!