We finally have a decent break from the snow and subfreezing temperatures. Though there are some more winter storms in the forecast, at least most days are going to be fairly mild in regard to temperature. In fact, for the first time in a long time, the sun has broken through the clouds to grace us with it’s warm presence. With the sun out, it was too good of an opportunity not to try to give Annie’s group Young’s Hill. After some light shoveling, a path to Young’s Hill was forged.
I must apologize, however. As I watched the pileup at the door that leads to Young’s Hill was opening, I realized I had forgotten the camera and my phone. I guess it boils down to I was too plum excited to see the color contrast of chimp and snow.
Even with access to get their own snow, sometimes having the snow brought to you is the best. At least that seemed to be Jamie’s preference, with the addition of icicles and black cherry Stur water enhancers.
Missy also had joined Jamie in snow and icicles.
Some bonus photos of Willy B playing with Lucky a couple of days ago!