Burrito had such a good day yesterday. Here’s yet another adorable photo of the big guy enjoying some sweet potatoes during his party:
Archives for January 7, 2011
YOUR favorite blog posts
The staff has shared some of their favorite blog posts of the last 2.5 years.
Now here is the compiled list of readers’ favorites:
Let it snow 12/13/2008 – the chimps’ first snow storm. The video was shared on King5 TV in Seattle and brought in some terrific supporters who remain today
Success 8/26/2008 – our announcement that the chimps were outside for the first time
A new doll for Foxie 10/27/2010 – quoting Elizabeth (even though she specifically says not to in the post), this video shows Foxie’s “ritualistic adoration behavior” with her troll dolls
Cowgirl Jamie 9/20/2010 – when Jamie managed to get her opposable toe into an extra-wide boot
Jamie keeps us guessing and Foxie keeps growing 9/22/2008 – video of Jamie going through a purse and using each thing she finds, including a nail file
The thinker… 12/26/2010 – a recent photo of Jamie in the hand chair, examining her hand
Jamie’s boots 11/4/2010 – Jamie enjoying some new boots and looking through a boot catalog
Easter Party 4/12/2009 and And the party continues 4/13/2009 – video and a photo of Burrito and his coconut
Foxie and the giant troll 10/4/2009 – Foxie being a mom to a big troll doll
Tutu retrospective 10/9/2009 – Jamie during her tutu phase (don’t forget to read Chimpanzees wearing clothes about our decision to share photos of the chimps when they choose to wear clothing).
Mail call 10/7/2009 – Jamie opening up the returned auction invites
Playful bunch of chimps 5/14/2010 – a staff favorite too – Negra really wins people over
Old ladies playing 7/3/2008 – another staff favorite with Negra being playful
Young’s Hill and Out of the Box 8/19/2010 – video announcing Young’s Hill, our 2-acre expansion project
Way, way Out of the Box 10/3/2010 – letting everyone know about the success of the Out of the Box auction!
Foxie and her adorable toes 2/13/2010 – Foxie expressing herself with her toes
Nest grunts 10/11/2010 – video/audio of the chimpanzees saying goodnight
Conflict 7/27/2009 – photos and description of the chimpanzees having a disagreement, it explains chimpanzee social dynamics and fear facial expressions a bit
And the list below is from one person – Julie Harding, who went back just one year and selected these favorites (those that were duplicated above weren’t included in the list):
Laughter 10/20/2009 – Foxie and Jamie wrestling and laughing
Smiling 10/29/2009 – an explanation of the difference between human and chimp smiles
Negra’s son Noah 1/14/2010 – a photo of Noah who lives at Save the chimps & who Jennifer and James Douglas sponsored his migration from New Mexico to Florida
Mother’s Day party 5/9/2010 – photos of the party, the volunteers (including Julie and her daughter Sarah) and the great party food
Chimpanzees still in labs 5/13/2010 – information about the Great Ape Protection Act
Foxie’s new baby 5/20/2010 – Foxie and a baby doll (not a troll doll!) – a gift from Tamela
We’ve Come a Long Way Baby! 5/27/10 – the garden and landscaping, thanks to Dakotta of Sustainable Landscaping, Cloudview Ecofarms, and Jackie, J.B. & Denice
Burrtio and Sarah Play 6/4/2010 – a happy Mr. B playing with Sarah
Jamie Then and Now 6/8/2010 – photos contrasting Jamie’s appearance the day she arrived at the sanctuary with two years later
Negra Moments 6/13/2010 – caregivers’ favorite Negra moments or favorite aspects of her personality
Bounty of Trolls 7/6/10 – photos of Foxie with a ridiculous number of troll dolls
Senator Cantwell introduces GAPA companion bill 8/3/2010 – good news and links for more info about the bill
How to Nest by Jody and Missy 8/17/2010 – a photo montage of Jody and Missy nesting (this was one of my favorite posts to write)
Grooming 8/31/2010 – photos of Annie and Missy grooming and explanation of chimpanzee grooming
Today in Memory of Marilyn Goodrich 9/12/2010 – photo of hands and feet
It’s harvest time! 9/21/2010 – the garden’s goodness
HALLOWEEN 10/31/2010
Negra’s daughter Heidi 11/19/10 – a photo of Heidi, Negra’s daughter, who is at the Alamogordo Primate Facility
Thanks for sharing, everyone!