Today volunteer Kim brought over a discarded tree from her friend Michelle. Kim “decorated” the tree with food for lunch. Later, volunteer Pam came and told me about a Swedish holiday called St. Knut’s (or Canute’s). It was on January 13th. It seems the chimps celebrated it well, though a bit late…
Archives for January 17, 2011
Adopt a Caregiver
Hi all! I’m excited to be working my way back into the land of chimpanzees and the blog!
I have a new “adopt a caregiver” request. Who wants to adopt JB? He’s been quite literally shivering his way through various projects in the garage/”shop.” The most exciting projects are welding – he just completed a welding course so that he can make benches and other good stuff for the chimps. So he really needs a shop heater. I guarantee whoever sends him the garage heater from our Amazon wishlist (or you can send a donation to cover its purchase) will get a very happy thank you from the man himself. Thanks! (UPDATE 1/18/2011: JB HAS OFFICIALLY BEEN ADOPTED. THANKS BARB!)