Last year for National Sibling Day, Chad wrote an excellent blog detailing the siblings and their shared familial roots at the sanctuary. We recently received some information that has added one exciting update to this list…
A little hint before the big reveal… We have seen and noted the resemblance in these two individuals in the past but we didn’t have the records to back up any of our casual observances…
Any guesses yet? Answers below…
TERRY AND MAVE are half siblings! They share a father (Conrad).
Maureen says
I can absolutely see it. Good for them!
And I love to see pictures of them all together as they’re shown today.
Linda C says
Hey, Anna!
I totally saw that from the beginning, but figured you guys would know if it wwere so. Cool beans, thanks for sharing the news with us!
Marie says
Boy ….I would love to see Conrad … see if they draw from the their mothers or father’s side…they both seem good natured……. and freckled to the max:hugging:
[email protected] says
Teeny Tiny Terry, he has a sister, Maeve;
She keeps him in line, lest he should misbehave.
Marie says
Yup…and I’m sure best friend Dora appreciates it:grin:
Tobin says
Not to emphasize the matter further, but…yeah, I think that goes without saying. Or, if further elaboration is necessary, please refer to the video from 7.11 (“Lucky’s Playhouse”). Big Sister extended a long arm to intervene when Terry the Teeny Tiny appeared to be making moves on Dora.
Mark B. says
Great news.
Marya says
This is a lovely revelation! Thanks for sharing it & the great pics with us!
Kathleen says
Yes! It did seem obvious from the start, almost too good to be true. The freckles and as Linda pointed out, the floofyness!! Six degrees of separation from Wildlife Waystation. Would love to know how you discovered this. Well done!
Do you have this feeling that all this was meant to be?!
marianne says
What great news…
So everyone who said that Terry looks like Mave’s brother from another mother WERE TOTALLY RIGHT!!!!?
Do you think they know they are siblings and THAT is why Terry never bothered Mave with his advances? ( or did he?), and not just because she is fierce.
Anna says
I don’t think they know they are related (although we could never really know for sure what they know or think). Terry seems to only try things with Dora who will allow it to happen.
Deanna says
I KNEW IT!!! I love this!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!! Exciting news!!!