Saturday is the end of the week for some of the staff, while others return from their weekend on Sunday. I’m in the latter group.
As the person responsible for the blog on Sundays (the beginning of my work week), I often gravitate towards whatever topics have been touched on in the previous day’s blog. It isn’t always intentional, but I do notice that it naturally happens more often than not. Hopefully, all of you blog followers don’t mind getting two related posts in just as many days.
Yesterday, Diana shared “Video Clips of the Day“, a fantastic blog entry that consisted of a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Therefore, of course, I’m giving you all “Photographs of the Day”, which is essentially the same concept but with still images instead of filmed content.
Just like the clips in yesterday’s video, the pictures aren’t all from today. However, you may be assured to know that some of these photos are from this dreary winter day, while the rest are quite recent. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this evening’s post and have a great week!
The view of the Yakima River and train tracks near the sanctuary:
Icicles hanging from the Chimp House roof:
Willy B looking down at the snow, then looking at me as if I have the magical power to make it instantly go away:
Honey B supervising the construction of her new playrooms:
Mave using the same windows to groom her toes:
Jamie strolling on the Hill (sorry about the bad focus!):
The view from the sanctuary driveway:
3/4 of the Moo Crew:
Honey (apparently also known as “Honey Buns”):
Lunch in the cattle barn:
A closeup of Burrito’s toes:
Burrito’s plush monkey friend (featured in yesterday’s video) being incrementally dragged into the chimp enclosure through a food chute and then leisurely disemboweled by seven VERY enriched chimpanzees:
Barn Kitty’s tracks in the snow (black-and-white version):