Evenings are a special time at the sanctuary. With their bellies full, the chimps choose spots to settle in for the night. They make elaborate nests with the 70 fresh blankets we give out each day. Their nest grunts are a chorus of contentment – a series of soft “hoo” sounds and low breathy vocalizations that signal to each other that all is well. Beside them or buried within their nests you can see some of their favorite things: For Burrito, his wooden toys; for Negra, her food puzzles; for Jamie, her cowboy boots; and for Foxie, her beloved troll and Dora dolls.
Archives for June 3, 2016
Happy Birthday, Hannah!
Today’s day of sanctuary was sponsored by the chimpanzees’ good friends, Jennifer and David Roers, in honor of Hannah Tracy! Jennifer and David shared this lovely message about today:
“Happy 40th birthday to one of the best people we know. Hannah is an amazing person and a joy to have in our lives. We love you, pretty lady. Have a fantastic birthday.”
Jennifer and David, we have so much gratitude for all you do to fill the chimps’ lives with love, comfort, and care! It means so much to us that you would think of them as you honor Hannah today.
And Hannah, happiest of birthdays to you from all the primates here at CSNW! We hope this is the best one yet and wish you a day filled with all the joy and celebration of life the chimpanzees are being provided with in your honor! Thank you for sharing your special day with them!
Here’s one of the pretty ladies of the sanctuary, beautiful Jody, doing what she loves best: enjoying her forage goods and nesting with abandon!