In celebration of CSNW’s 8th Anniversary, we are taking a trip down memory lane. Today we look back on the chimpanzees’ fifth year at the sanctuary.
Year Five was exciting, to say the least.
On August 13th, 2012, a wildfire erupted less than a mile from the sanctuary. It went on to destroy 60 homes and over 36 square miles of land. In the process, it nearly destroyed the sanctuary.
Thanks to the incredible bravery and dedication of local volunteer firefighters, DNR helicopter pilots, and many other emergency personnel, the chimps were kept safe. The fire burned half of Young’s Hill and damaged the sanctuary residence, but we were able to bounce back quickly with the help of supporters from around the world.
With the fire behind us, we built a new structure on the hill just for Negra – her very own “cabin” that would shelter her from the wind and rain and help her adjust to life in the great outdoors. Some chimps just need a little more help than others.
And the chimps never skipped a beat – they went right back to making art, fighting off enemy horses, and napping, as if nothing had ever happened.