Evenings are a special time at the sanctuary. With their bellies full, the chimps choose spots to settle in for the night. They make elaborate nests with the 70 fresh blankets we give out each day. Their nest grunts are a chorus of contentment – a series of soft “hoo” sounds and low breathy vocalizations that signal to each other that all is well. Beside them or buried within their nests you can see some of their favorite things: For Burrito, his wooden toys; for Negra, her food puzzles; for Jamie, her cowboy boots; and for Foxie, her beloved troll and Dora dolls.

J.B. I have missed your posts. I can almost hear the chorus of contentment. Ahhh night time and the comforts with in, comforts only sanctuary can give. Thank you for giving simple comforts, no matter what that means to each individual chimpanzee. Thank you!
Fabulous post. They can go to bed knowing they are safe and loved – perfect!
Heartwarming…felt my eyes filling up as I read it, even before I scrolled down to the sweet photo of Foxie. You caretakers always MAKE MY DAY.
JB, the only thing missing in this night time ritual is a bed time story from A Chimpanzee Tale!???? This blog is beautifully descriptive. Don and I would love to spent one night with all of those freshly washed blankets, a good book and a night bag of grapes! We are practicing our pant hoots just in case we win a night at the CSNW SPA! ???????? We would love to snuggle down with Negra. Can you imagine how wonderful that would be were it possible? You guys do an amazing job keeping the chimps happy, healthy and providing them with dignified lives. Thanks so much!