Jamie has been taking in the views of her kingdom for the last hour. Caregiver in tow wearing Jamie’s chosen cowgirl boots du jour, of course.
Archives for June 22, 2016
Happy Birthday, E.B.!
We have a special day of sanctuary today sponsored by Simba in honor of E.B. on his birthday! Simba shares this amazing message about E.B.:
“In honor of a very special boy on a very special day – E.B. is a friend and partner and a human of inestimable energy, and he is motivated to help every species on the planet. He has been opening his home and his heart to them for years, and for the last several has had his hand in a nonstop series of efforts intended to make the world a kinder place for all sorts of non-humans. It’s a true honor to know him and work with him and to dedicate this day of sanctuary to him. Happy Birthday, E.B.!”
Simba thank you so much for sponsoring today in honor of E.B.! We are thrilled to celebrate such a special human here with the chimpanzees today. E.B., all of us here at CSNW wish you the happiest of days! Thank you so much for all you do for the special non-humans we share the world with. We are so happy to know you are out in the world making it a better place for so many others.
Happy Birthday hoots from Burrito!!