One of the great things about Young’s Hill is that each morning it has something slightly different to offer the chimpanzees as far as enrichment goes. Some days the chimps might find a snake that causes alarm , while other days there might be a new plant in season to be sampled. Or maybe, there might be something as simple as a noisy cricket to grab your attention. Make sure to have your volume on when you watch the video so you can hear the sounds of Young’s Hill first thing in the morning!
Archives for May 2016
Happy Birthday, Jim!
Today’s day of sanctuary was sponsored for the chimpanzees by Jim Thompson! Jim is a long-time Chimpanzee Pal with Burrito and wanted to celebrate his special day by gifting B and his chimp family with their own special day!
Jim, we can’t thank you enough for your continued support of Burrito! Your gifts have helped make it possible for Burrito to expand his boundaries, inside and out, and we so appreciate you including him in your celebration! All of us here at CSNW wish you the happiest of birthdays! And Burrito would probably hope that your day is filled with more good food than you could possibly eat. (Although, I’m not sure he would believe there is such as thing as more food than one could possibly eat). 🙂
Burrito, All Wrapped Up
In many ways, Burrito is a typical male chimpanzee. He can be blustery and macho. His loud, boisterous displays often involve him swatting the girls as he charges by them, hair standing on end.
Still, there is something innocent about him. After living for decades in lab cages with extremely limited contact with others of his species, he has encountered many obstacles on the road to understanding chimp behavior. It seems that he genuinely cannot imagine why the girls would get angry with him when he acts out against them during displays. After hitting someone and inciting their wrath, he has been seen running to that individual for a hug of reassurance – asking for reassurance, not giving it.
When the other chimps give him submissive greetings, instead of receiving them graciously, he squeezes his eyes shut and looks the other way. Whatever he is feeling in these moments looks a lot like social anxiety.
Considering how uncomfortable he can sometimes be around the other chimps, it is always inspiring to see him try. And he does try. Joining the others in a grooming session or accompanying Jamie on a perimeter walk will probably always give him a little anxiety, but he is determined to keep pushing his own boundaries.
Today is in memory of Ben and Jules
This day of sanctuary was sponsored by Janet Carroll in memory of Ben and Jules. We are continually moved by the compassion and generosity our supporters bring into the chimps’ lives after they survived for so long in very different circumstances, even their existence unknown to most. And with Sponsor-a-Days in particular it’s so inspiring and touching to see that in peoples’ desire to make the chimps’ lives better, the chimps are also providing an opportunity to honor, remember and celebrate so many others. They’re rather like ambassadors of love and joy.
Janet, thank you so much for thinking of the chimpanzees in honoring the memory of Ben and Jules today! We’re very grateful to you for helping to provide the chimps with the care and home they are thriving in and we hope your day is filled with comfort and joy in your thoughts of Ben and Jules. We will all be thinking of you!
Good friends, Burrito and Foxie:
It’s all in their hands and mouths
Birthday Wishes for Alisa
Today must be a magical day, because two wonderful people were born on this day who have loved ones that sponsored a day of sanctuary in their honor.
For the 2nd sponsor-a-day, Ed Brooks shared this loving message for Alisa Lemire Brooks:
Alisa loves animals with a boundless passion. She works on behalf of animals struggling to survive in their native environment. She fights on behalf of animals imprisoned by the entertainment industry.
The seven chimpanzees at Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest occupy a special place in her heart. She would rather they get something special from our donation than get a present herself.
We spent a beautiful day visiting the chimps a couple summers back, we were so moved by the beauty of the place, the care and dedication of all the people involved, and the seven beautiful souls we saw out on Young’s Hill.
Happy Birthday Alisa!
All of us at the sanctuary send our happiest of birthday wishes to you, Alisa. Thank you for your caring heart.
Happy Birthday, Erin!
This day of sanctuary has two sponsors! The first is from Tim and Shelley Connelly in honor of their daughter, Erin Connelly. They shared this message about today:
“In celebration of her birthday and in honor of our daughter Erin, who is pursuing a Masters degree in Primatology at CWU and is a volunteer at the sanctuary. Following her dream!”
Tim and Shelley, thank you so much for supporting Erin in such a compassionate way and choosing to make a difference in the chimps’ lives in her honor! We are so fortunate to have many amazing student interns and volunteers helping care for the chimps who come to us through Central Washington University and are happy to be able to share the chimps’ lives with them.
Erin, thank you for all your hard work for the chimpanzees! From all of us here at CSNW we wish you the happiest birthday!!