Easter was a busy day here at the sanctuary. Somebody thought it would be a good idea to schedule Jake to do some repairs and improvements to the building on the same day as a chimp party. Thankfully, the staff and volunteers (and chimps!) were all good sports about it and we got it all done.
Over the winter, Facilities and Ground Technician Jake, who happens to be a skilled welder, fabricated some new food chutes for Jamie’s side of the building. Food chutes let us safely pass larger foods and enrichment items to the chimps and we have them in all areas of the building except Playroom 1 and Greenhouse 1. Now that the weather is warmer we were finally able to get these new ones installed, along with some new perches for Cy’s group.
Despite Diana’s pronouncement, it’s hard to say who the day’s real winner was: Cy, for discovering the jackpot atop the tower on the Bray, or Negra, for getting eggs, peanut butter, and a leisurely walk through the grass all in one sunny spring day? Let’s call it a tie.