Burrito and Foxie grooming on bench of room one.
Jody making her bed
Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest
Hope. Love. Home. Sanctuary
by Diana
by Diana
by Diana
Wow. The first full day with the Cle Elum Seven at Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest. There’s just so much to share – we already feel behind in updating folks. They are all just doing so well and are so much fun – it’s unbelievable. Here are my personal top ten moments (in no particular order) over the past day and a half:
1. Negra sleeping in a comfy nest on the highest platform in the first front room
2. Jamie playing chase while carrying a purse, a t-shirt, and a large kong toy
3. Foxie looking out to the big playroom – they’ll be going in tomorrow!
4. Jody’s enthusiastic greetings whenever we walk into the human hallway
5. Missy head bobbing frantically for more sweet peppers
6. Burrito playing with Jamie
7. Annie chasing Missy throughout the front rooms – all day
8. Jamie wiping out the food door lazy susans with the t-shirt she was wearing around her neck
9. Missy’s hair blowing in the breeze from the window of room four
10. Burrito lying down, holding his feet with his hands
by Diana
Can you believe how beautiful these chimpanzees are? Imagine how great they will look once they have soaked in the sun, their hair has filled out, and their muscles are stronger. They are a remarkably calm group and they are adjusting so well to their new environment – as though they’ve been here for months.The window which looks down the driveway is definitely the current favored spot by all, and the mural painting that volunteer Julie Nealey of Posh Pallette designed and volunteer Kim Michaels painted just a couple of weeks ago makes an incredible backdrop for these photo portraits of our new friends. Scroll over the photos to see the names of the chimpanzees.
by Diana
I know you all are anxiously awaiting photos – and I promise to post some more tonight. Right now J.B. and Keith are serving dinner, and I’m in the kitchen listening to very content sounds as J.B. gives out fresh peppers, carrots and apples. I’m preparing oatmeal – the Cle Elum Seven’s first cooked meal in their new home! Diana
by Diana
All seven chimpanzees, now to be known as the Cle Elum Seven, are safe in their new sanctuary home! The transfer went incredibly smoothly and the chimpanzees are very calm and clearly happy to be here. Negra, Burrito, Missy, Annie, and Jamie have been taking turns looking out the window (Negra seems to dominate that space). They’ve been playing with each other and eating the fresh fruit that was donated this morning. You might see the chimpanzees on King 5 or Komo 4 tonight if you’re in Seattle or KAPP 35 in Yakima! And the story of their arrival will be showing up in various newspapers too. This photo, though, says it all.
PO Box 952
Cle Elum, WA 98922
[email protected]
501c3 registered charity
EIN: 68-0552915
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