Tonight, Burrito is recovering from a rattlesnake bite.
We heard a commotion on Young’s Hill this morning and went out to find six of the chimps intensely alarm calling and screaming as they surrounded a large snake. Burrito unfortunately got too aggressive in pursuit of the snake and received a bite to the base of his thumb. Thankfully, we were able to get the chimps back inside relatively quickly. We then entered the enclosure, captured the snake, and confirmed that it was indeed a rattler.
Shortly thereafter, Burrito was anesthetized and given a course of antivenin while his symptoms were still relatively mild. At this point he is stable and resting but he is not out of the woods yet.
Diana and I are so grateful for the prompt response from the staff and veterinary team. Burrito will be monitored closely overnight and we promise to update you tomorrow as we know more. Please keep him in your thoughts.