I had approximately 25 ideas for a blog post today, from the flighty and frivolous to the deeply profound (at least in my head).
This video is neither. Or perhaps it is both.
As one of her caregivers for more than twelve years, I can tell you that some of the best days in the chimp house are when Jamie is in a good mood, which seems to be the case more and more lately.
Not all of the clips in the video were from today. The one from today is the opening clip with Jamie wearing a troll scarf; the others were moments with Jamie that I had recorded on my phone that I have been hanging onto.
Right now, while the other chimpanzees are eating the last scraps of dinner, working on their food puzzles (nuts in kongs tonight), and gathering up their blankets for their nests, Jamie is sitting in the doorway that goes out to Young’s Hill, the outdoor habitat.
She might be waiting for the rain to subside so that we can go on another walk, or maybe she’s just making sure I remember that she’s the one who runs this place.
I just love Jamie.