Today marks the eighth anniversary of the arrival of the Cle Elum Seven chimpanzees–Annie, Burrito, Foxie, Jamie, Jody, Missy, and Negra–to Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest and a celebration of Negra’s 43rd birthday.
It’s so hard for me to believe that eight years have already passed since the chimps’ arrival, and it’s even harder for me to believe that Negra is eight years older than she was when the truck full of chimpanzees pulled up the sanctuary driveway on June 13, 2008.
Because this is such a nostalgic time for everyone who has been following the story of the chimpanzees at the sanctuary, and because so many people are relatively new followers, I thought it would be fun and informative to take this week to briefly chronicle some of the events of the last eight years, one year per day.
Of course I know you won’t want to miss the news of today’s big celebration, so we will be sharing that later today on the blog too. If you are subscribed to the e-newsletter, you will also be receiving an email today that celebrates Negra’s journey over the last eight years.
For now, here’s a glimpse of the first year of sanctuary for the Cle Elum Seven.
EVERYTHING was new to the chimpanzees.
From enrichment:
To the views out the windows:
To the changes in weather:
And the chimpanzees were new to us humans, too. Though we had met them at Buckshire before they came to the sanctuary, we didn’t have the chance to really get to know them until we spent time with them in their new home. We started to learn about their personalities and their likes and dislikes pretty quickly.
Here is one observation about Jamie and her intelligence a few days after the chimps arrived:
And of course the humans, and Foxie herself, discovered her lasting love of troll dolls during her first year of sanctuary, leading us to ask supporters for more troll dolls. None of us knew then how big her collection would become!
Foxie’s first troll doll:
Foxie demonstrating that troll dolls suit her fun-loving personality:
We were delighted to discover Burrito’s out-of-this-world food-squeaking:
Touched by Annie’s love of Missy:

And thrilled with Jody’s ability to relax:
Every day of the chimps’ first year in sanctuary was an incredible gift.
I’m not going to lie–we had some tough times as an organization as we were just getting our footing. There were stressful moments, to be sure, but it was so inspiring to have the opportunity to watch the chimpanzees learn more about their new home and themselves. And it was incredible to connect with other people who wanted to be a part of giving them that chance. This blog has played a big role in that process, and I’m grateful to everyone who has read it in the past and is reading it right now. Thank you!
It’s pretty thrilling to think that if you stick around you will also be a part of providing so many “firsts” for more chimpanzees who will be coming to Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest in the future.
This blog with photos and videos brings back so many memories for us, especially the one with the snow which gave birth to the greenhouse! I was searching the net just after the 7 arrived, had a chat with Sarah about the sanctuary plans, visited in 2009 with Don, Ryan and Helena and the rest is history. It has been an honor to be a part of the CSNW family, to watch it expand and grow into a beautiful home for 7 lucky chimps. More importantly, it has been great to see the poor health of the chimps improve into their vibrant health of today. This is all thanks to the humans who love them and who care for them. A salute to you all. We look forward to the next journey with more lucky chimps arriving at the sanctuary. Happy Birthday to Negra! Karen and Don
Thank you, Karen & Don. You’ve played a big role in the last eight years, and your support has improved the lives of the chimps in ways we can’t measure.
Happy 8th anniversary to Chimpanzee Sanctuary NW!
The work that you do every day to enhance the lives of these 7 chimps who endured years of confinement – the majority of them held captive for 25+ years – while being held in small cages and being subjected to scores of unnecessary experiments is wonderful as is your dedication.
The changes in their health, appearance and behavior is remarkable & wouldn’t have been possible with you.
Thank you.
– Chris & Lee Ann
This first of eight posts on the chimpanzees is great Diana, looking forward to each and every one! This is the first time that I am really getting a feeling of your experience as you witnessed the chimps coming into themselves. I didn’t know about CSNW 8 years ago so these early photos and videos are so interesting to see for the first time. The first rain shower and the first snow fall, I can’t begin to imagine what the chimps must have been feeling. After the video of Burrito and his marvelous food squeaks, I watched an old video that popped up in the mix. It was titled Burrito’s 27th Birthday : A Food Extravaganza — adorable! Thank you for compiling these wonderful moments. Thank you to all the caregivers, past and current, for giving The Cle Elum Seven “Hope. Love. Home. Sanctuary……… and Family!
It is heartbreaking what these chimps have endured but the brighter side is where there are now and that they have a good life with loving care. Thank you all for what you do.