We have a lot to celebrate today! Negra is turning 43, and it has been eight years to the day since the Cle Elum Seven stepped off the transport trailer and into their new home at the sanctuary. (If you haven’t already, check out Diana’s thoughts in this morning’s blog post here.) I think these photos from today’s celebration paint a pretty good picture.
Jamie had an especially good day. At this year’s Hoot! gala, we auctioned off two pairs of fabulous white cowboy boots, procured and donated by auctioneer and friend of the sanctuary Laura Michalek. Maryam Salt, the winning bidder, is now the proud owner of one of the pairs, while the other is for Jamie, our resident boot enthusiast. Jamie was beyond thrilled when we presented her with this gift today. Thanks so much to Laura and Maryam!
As for the birthday girl, she has had a pretty perfect day. She partied hard:
Then rested up afterwards:
And later explored her wilderness:
Happy birthday my Queen.
You all are so clever, I wish my birthday party looked like Negra’s!
What a wonderful celebration!!! Your “catering” decorations are gorgeous and everything looks so fresh and yummy. I just love your parties and giggle at the photos as I scroll through them, especially the photos of the gang swilling fruity smoothies from their cocktail glasses. Kills me every time! Jamie and those white boots — WOWIE WOW! (She looks very proud to be posing with them too.) I am so thrilled to see Negra looking so happy on her special day — I hope all her wishes come true!
Happy 8 Years of Sanctuary to Annie, Missy, Burrito, Jody, Jamie, Foxie, and Queen-Birthday-Girl Negra!
Looks like you had & enjoyed a great party! ??????????
What a gala ! Those decorations simply smashing it looks like the party was a smash many more to come
What a celebration! Beautiful party. Love the pictures of the chimps enjoying themselves. There certainly is a lot to celebrate. Happy Birthday sweet dear Negra and may all of the chimps continue to thrive and enjoy their freedom and choices there. Thanks to all of you for making this possible. Bless you all.
How colorful…wonder if they see things in color as we do. They are clearly enjoying themselves even if it is in black and white. Great JOB, Caretakers. You never cease to amaze me.
Thanks, Elaine! And yes, chimpanzees see the same colors we do. 🙂
What a wonderful joyous party! This one actually made me cry, to see such happiness on all their faces. You guys do such an amazing job of making the chimps life SO special and fun! I’m visiting in a few weeks and can hardly wait!
Looking forward to meeting you, Sue!
Happy Birthday sweet beautiful Negra. I agree with Ms. Polen, this makes me cry, these beautiful creatures are so happy now. Every time I go to this site, I know I’m going to tear up with happiness for them. I tell everyone about this sanctuary, and hope they pass this along to others. Again, Ms. Negra, a very special happy birthday to you. Love you all.
The colors! The sunshine! The chimps enjoying the tastes, textures and smells, the breeze coming into the greenhouse. Surely it is a joy for them. What an incredible gift all of you at CSNW have given them. I cannot wait to see what you can do for more chimps, with everyone’s help of course!
Negra, many big warm virtual hugs and kisses!! May you live long and content and happy, surrounded by your favorite foods and lots of blankets.
And you other troublemakers! May you all enjoy many many many more days and years of tasty and healthy food, toys and distractions to keep you engaged, challenged and amused, and a growing group of fans that celebrate your well deserved “freedom”! You have changed my life, and for that I am profoundly grateful.