Although it is true that chimpanzees are often much more quiet than one might assume based on experience with them in the media, chimpanzees can also be quite loud when expressing themselves, given the right circumstances. As a matter of fact, the daily routine of sanctuary life is accompanied by sounds that a caregiver comes to rely on.
When I arrive at the chimp house in the morning the chimpanzees are often still sleeping, or enjoying a quiet morning. Not soon after though, Burrito usually makes some noise in the front rooms. Perhaps he’s letting everyone know that the day is about to begin? At any rate, the morning for caregivers consists of breakfast making with the blender whirring in the kitchen and the sounds of a chimpanzee community getting ready for the day. Burrito’s way of greeting the day is certainly unmistakable.
Meal times usually involve food grunts, squeaks and, of course, some chewing. The rest of the day can run the gamut. When the mood takes them the chimpanzees will spend time grooming together, playing, or occasionally engaged in aggressive displays and each of these activities are often attended by distinct chimpanzee vocalizations. To get a feel for what I’m talking about check out today’s video and make sure to have your volume turned up and your listening ears on!