Christmas (and a whole lot of troll dolls) arrived in the chimp house this morning! And thanks so much to volunteer caregiver, Patti, an amazing fireplace, loads of decorations, and an incredible Christmas lunch!:
Foxie checking out one of the stockings:
Patti, made the most incredible Christmas lunch, complete with field roast and cashew gravy, cranberry sauce in pumpkins and sparkling apple cider!:
Negra enjoying her Christmas dinner as the trolls look on:
Missy enjoying some Brussels sprouts:
See if you can spot Annie:
A big hit of the day were these giant cardboard tubes which came courtesy of Santa’s elf (and volunteer caregiver, Seana), which she stuffed with paper and nuts:
Foxie gazing adoringly at one of her many new trolls:
And in true holiday fashion, Burrito was too full to move by the end of dinner, but that didn’t stop him from making room for pumpkin and Brussels sprouts that lay within arms reach:
Annie’s feet as she takes a rest after the celebration:
And for all of our Jody fans, no worries, she enjoyed the Christmas extravaganza as well, she was just avoiding the paparazzi today. Thank you so much to volunteer caregivers, Patti and Seana, for making the chimpanzees’ day so wonderful, amazing supporters Jayne R. and Pam O. for supplying trolls and decorations, Laurel H. for sponsoring today, and to everyone else who contributed to today’s festivities. And from my heart (which in Grinch style grew three sizes the day I met these chimpanzees) thank you to all of our supporters near and far who help us give the chimpanzees the kind of days they deserve. From all of the primates here at CSNW, we wish you the happiest of holidays!!