There’s usually not much obvious difference between Negra awake and Negra asleep. Even when she’s awake, she’s often lying in a nest with a blanket draped over her head. But you can always tell when Negra is ready to close her eyes because her lips start looking too heavy for her face.
Archives for December 29, 2013
Happy Birthday, Tracy!
The chimpanzees have been gifted with a day of sanctuary today sponsored by their friend, Tracy Headley! Today is Tracy’s birthday and she shared the following message: “I can not think of a better way to celebrate my birthday, than to celebrate Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest.” Tracy, you do so much for the chimpanzees and we are touched by your generous gift to them on your own special day. We think you should celebrate Foxie-style by doing a few back flips, hanging upside down, and throwing in some pirouettes for the heck of it!
Thank you so much, Tracy, and we wish you the happiest of days!!