In yesterday’s blog post Elizabeth talked about what sanctuary means to the chimpanzees of Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest, particularly Negra. As caregivers we try to provide an environment that allows individuals the opportunity to enjoy the life that sanctuary provides in the manner that most appeals to each.
For Negra, that can mean her night bags or her naps on the catwalk.
For Jamie, cowboy boots and daily walks around Young’s Hill seem to be it.
For Missy, maybe it’s a fulfilling friendship with Annie or a satisfying run through the grass.
For Annie there is always Missy, but did you know she also likes bare feet?
For Burrito, good food and good friends are often the pleasures of his day although he also enjoys wooden toys quite a lot!
For Foxie, Doras and Trolls claim her heart.
And for Jody, bamboo forages and warm fluffy blankets for her to nest in are always welcome.
These are just a few of the many different favorite things of the chimpanzees, just a few of the ways they each make sanctuary their own. If I ask Google to define sanctuary here is the result:
sanc·tu·ar·y ?saNG(k)CHo?o?er?/ noun
1. a place of refuge or safety.
2. a nature reserve.
3. a holy place; a temple or church
I don’t know about you, but I think that Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest has got this definition down.