If you watched yesterday’s video of all the celebrations, you may have noticed we did have the whitest of Christmas this year. We did, however, receive some albeit lite, snow over night. It was just enough to glance a peek at who has been visiting the sanctuary during the night.
As caregiver Amanda and I were conducting our daily inspection of the perimeter fence this morning, we noticed not just a plethora of tracks, but a decent variety of tracks.
On our way up the Young’s Hill side, we noticed two sets of tracks going up and down.
Upon closer inspection, we both could clearly see they were left by a some kind of canine.
After confirming with Diana and J.B. that they did not take Abbey, Benny, or Nala for a walk up the hill recently, we can rule them out. With only one other species of canine that inhabits the area, it’s safe to say these tracks more than likely belong to some coyotes. Though there are wolves and foxes in Washington, we don’t really see them around here. Plus the size is a little more consistent with a coyote than the other two.
Also left almost literally all over were deer tracks.
We do have a lot of deer who call sanctuary grounds home. More often than not it will either be mule deer or the occasion white-tail deer. Just because there are two families of mule deer seen recently, I’m just going to guess these were mostly mule deer.
Admittedly, these next tracks I just saw be made.
These were made by a little round fluffy chickadee.
*no archived photo found of chickadee*
These next tracks were left by the absolute most fearless, vicious predator on sanctuary grounds. A predator so fierce, wolves, coyotes, cougars, bears, and all other wildlife are afraid of him.
These tracks belong to the one and only Barn Kitty! It was kind of fun to follow his steps to see where his paws lead him around. And trust me, he walks around a lot more than I thought, and I had already assumed he was walking around a lot.
Here are his paw prints next to one of the chickadees. Yes. I can confirm these tracks were made at two different times since I saw the chickadee make them.
Last but not least, there are these tracks.
Upon closer inspection, I could only guess these were made by that elusive Washington resident: Sasquatch.
Ok. Maybe not the Sasquatch, but his cousin Chimpsquatch.
And course it wouldn’t be a true snow day with some snow treats!
As a bonus for today, here are some photos from yesterday’s Christmas celebration!
Negra and Burrito
And my last message for tonight:
Someone very special has a birthday rapidly approaching! We could really use your help in making it special by going to our wish list and help us acquire some of the supplies/presents we want to give the special guy: Burrito!