Some dominant male chimpanzees maintain power through brute force and intimidation. But not all.
Traits such as kindness, fairness, and tolerance are often overlooked in discussions about chimpanzee dominance hierarchies, yet they can also be effective as a means to achieve status. Cy is a good example of this. It’s true, he has been known to steal a chow bag or two from his group mates, but he’s just as likely to use his alpha position to defend the underdog and keep the peace as he is to enrich himself.
This video shows just a small example of the myriad ways in which Cy’s leadership is called upon to maintain stability in his group.
Linda C says
A good leader!
(“don’t tear me away from my reading again”)
Was Lucky’s sneer for Willy B or for the grass?
Marie says
I think I saw Willy B writing Santa for some Full Size cardboard cut outs of Giraffes!
Gaynell says
Marie, i laughed so hard thinking of Willie wearing a giraffe suit like the big dinosaur Halloween costume the chimps saw last week. I wonder if Cy reacted to that.
J.B. says
Lucky is pretty comfortable on the grass these days so I imagine it was due to Willy B.
Tobin says
An effective use of applied Cy-cology. Now, I hope that Psy can return to his November issue of Hola! magazine.
Linda C says
This calls for a clapping emoji
Paulette says
Since it seems that Willy B does this daily at a certain time, give or take, and seeing how much it disturbs the group, you’d think Cy would anticipate it and just nip it in the bud a couple times and that would put an end to it. I think having a stern Cy up in my face would definitely put me in my place. Just Makes me sad for the others that this happens nearly every day
J.B. says
Yes, it would be nice if Cy was a little more proactive. But, believe it or not, new groups can take years to achieve their more lasting dynamics. The good news is that while Willy displays every day at the same time, it’s usually not directed at anyone and no one is bothered aside from the noise. But on some days, he does direct his displays, which is what causes tension like this.
Linda C says
Just like someone on the other side of the house used to do every morning….they just have to let it out
Teresa Clickenger says
I find that so interesting about Willie B intimidating or trying to intimidate others, because my impression of him is he is actually very timid and insecure himself. Kind of reminds me of my ex-husband! Insecurity breeds a need to inflict pain or insecurity on others. That’s my intake anyway. Who knew Cy was such a good guy!
J.B. says
You are spot on – I think Willy B is very insecure and it is a challenge for him to learn to live with others.
Mark B. says
Fascinating blog. Great filming.
Marie says
I remember…… Honey B hitting him over the head …..
I can’t remember with what …..when he stole her Food ………maybe if they had seen that scenario….. they would have known that he’s just a sheep in Wolf’s Clothing:smirk:
Linda C says
The blue scooter incident
Maureen says
My favorite blog, at least for some time now. We read all the time about alphas and group dynamics. Here you showed us, J.B., in a short and simple video, exactly how that works. Thank you.
Judy says
Thanks J.B. Definitely a fascinating blog. Wonderful to see footage of these dynamics.
Marcie says
Well done Cy. JB I always enjoy your blogs on primate behavior. Thanks for pointing out
the subtle but effective actions taken by Cy.
Kathleen says
Cy is a cool leader. Not a single display. Not a sound from anyone. Cy’s walk past Willy B was enough.
Was there any significance to Cy’s little dance on the log prior to Lucky’s embrace? Not sure I’ve seen this type of foot stomp jerky movement before but clearly everyone understood the message Cy was quietly sending. Message was received clearly by Willy B who was rocking back and forth through it all.
Reminded me of the final scene from “Babe” when Babe rounds up all the sheep without Farmer Hoggett saying a word or the humans hearing a word. “That’ll do Cy. That’ll do.”
Kathleen says
PS: Dear Jamie,
Happy Jamieween Eve!!
J.B. says
I don’t know that there’s a specific term for that behavior, but we often see it in instances where one chimp is anticipating or encouraging the approach of another chimp. In this case, I think he was asking Lucky to come to him. If he was the one seeking reassurance, he might have extended his arm.
Gaynell says
Thank you for this, J.B. Too many people think that male chimps, especially alphas, are nothing but explosive and bullying. If Cy was my dad he would have yelled out to Willie, “don’t make me come over there.” But Cy, being the non-human primate that he is, handled it beautifully. I don’t want to get political but perhaps the world badly needs a well-read, calm, peaceful leader like Cy. The literature major that I am and the one who is always saying. “everybidy just calm down please,” loves that guy. He could have been a great dad. he is a great alpha.
Adrienne says
Thank you for the video and the explanation! Hopefully some day I’ll be able to read chimp behaviour just like you – for the time being, however, I wouldn’t be recognize the signs without your hints, so I’m really grateful. And thanks for the link to the Frans de Waal interview – he’s my favourite primatologist, I keep collecting his books and lectures, he and the chimps never fail to amaze me!
Elaine Reininger says
Thanks JB for explaining what is going on in the video.
Nancy says
I am sooooo impressed and proud of Cy. Poor Willy B has been anxious and a little socially awkward since he was a youngster. Thank you all and Cy for helping him to be his best self AND stay with his chimp family.
Linda C says
How interesting…you had Honey B and Willy B together, who were both a little socially awkward, rooming with…the social MAVEn!
Deanna says
Cy is the most amazing chimp alpha!!! no wonder I love him so much!!! Hopefully Willy will eventually gain more confidence and stop all his needless displays at the same time daily… one day he will stop and it will throw all the caretakers off and you wont be able to guage the time of day in quite the same way !!!! lol!!