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Reader Interactions
Let me guess. Burrito is watching the kitchen? Where’s breakfast?!
Let me guess. Burrito is watching the kitchen? Where’s breakfast?! What is taking so long?
No wonder they are so hungry in the morning.
Arlene and Michaelsays
Adorable. So great to see them at play. Some of their antics made me laugh out loud.
Dalyce Kowalskisays
They are so quiet! Love the video, thank you for posting it!
It hadn’t dawned on me but Dalyce is right, they are so quite! This brought a big smile to my face! Foxie on Jamie’s back!! And seeing Negra so playful is just sweet. To think that I can hardly function until I have had my morning cup of coffee and these clowns have tickled, pirouetted, swung about, climbed, chased, pushed and played while waiting for their breakfast. Clearly far superior to us humans. : )
Let me guess. Burrito is watching the kitchen? Where’s breakfast?!
Let me guess. Burrito is watching the kitchen? Where’s breakfast?! What is taking so long?
No wonder they are so hungry in the morning.
Adorable. So great to see them at play. Some of their antics made me laugh out loud.
They are so quiet! Love the video, thank you for posting it!
It hadn’t dawned on me but Dalyce is right, they are so quite! This brought a big smile to my face! Foxie on Jamie’s back!! And seeing Negra so playful is just sweet. To think that I can hardly function until I have had my morning cup of coffee and these clowns have tickled, pirouetted, swung about, climbed, chased, pushed and played while waiting for their breakfast. Clearly far superior to us humans. : )