If you’ve been reading the blog for a while, you know a few things about Jamie–that she likes to patrol the outdoor area, that she likes to have the humans join her on the other side of the fence on these patrols, and that she often keeps the humans late at night in the summer by insisting that we do walk after walk until she is satisfied.
We don’t complain too often about these overtime duties because it makes Jamie happy and because it’s a beautiful time to be outside on the sanctuary property.
Last week, we had a heat wave that prevented the chimpanzees from spending a lot of time outside during the day, but it always gets cooler here at night, so Jamie simply waited until the temperature dropped to get her exercise for the day.
Sometimes, especially during the day, Jamie is very focused on the perimeter trail that she’s worn in the grass, and will follow this path at a fairly brisk pace as we walk on the trail on the other side.
Her dusk-walking tends to fulfill a completely different desire, though, and Jamie will often veer from the perimeter path and explore the climbing structures in the middle of a walk, often stopping to take in a view or rest for a bit. The new Twister structure is a favorite viewpoint of late.
Below are a few photos of her nighttime meanderings.
At the top of Twister:
After viewing the setting sun, she came down the hill and did some more meandering on the shaky bridge:
Balancing on the metal pole structure:
Finally choosing a cross-legged position to rest for a minute:
And moving along again:
Eventually heading back inside, quite satisfied:
Another fabulous blog. I love that she has such freedom now – thank you for keeping them safe and letting them have choices. Even if that choice is to meander … I don’t think I could deny her either.
Thank you, Dalyce!
What a tribute to all of you keepers to stay and allow Jamie to fulfill her needs. It is such an important job for her and you are all so generous with your time. Thanks to all of you Jamie can be the leader she needs to be. Thanks a lot!
Thank you, Sherry. You are right – it is important to Jamie, and she is the boss after all :).
Is there nothing you can do to move it along? Does she respond to calling? You poor people. What happens if she decides to stay out late when you need to get home to relieve a baby sitter, go to the theatre, cook for guests coming that night??????? Your dedication, patience and understanding just blows my mind. What unique human beings you all are. Fess up. Surely you must get abit annoyed?
Elaine – we have a schedule that includes “p.m. on-call” which means staying late if the day doesn’t end at it’s usual time, which is almost always Jamie’s doing. If someone is not able to arrange their schedule to cover their p.m on-call days, other staff members cover for them. And J.B. and I live onsite, so it’s usually not a big deal for us to take over if Jamie is out really late. We do forages in the playroom three days a week as part of dinner, and these often entice Jamie to come inside, but we all feel that her staying out late in the summer is perfectly understandable and another way for her to get the most out of the sanctuary. Someday when we are bigger and in need of more staff, we might be able to have two shift times; I would take the late shift!
How amazing that you go with Jamie on these walks and allow her whatever times she wants, and you take pictures and give us such an in-depth look and description, as close as most of us can come to being out there with you. From those lovely photos and that view from the Twister, I can understand why Jamie likes to take her time and take it all in.
It really is so beautiful. It means a lot that we are able to share the sanctuary with supporters who are so dedicated and involved, even at a distance, in the chimpanzees’ lives.
Your post brought tears to my eyes. These photos tell a lovely little story, Jamie’s body language tells a lovely story too (she is so content and relaxed!). Seeing Jamie’s meanderings in the crisp light of the setting sun just got to me, (sigh). I like to try to put myself in the chimps shoes, and I wonder what they must be thinking as they take in your incredible view. But your devotion, love and respect for Jamie also gets to me. Such a privilege to meander with her in the evening, such gift you give each other.
I wonder about what Jamie is thinking too. And you read her body language correctly–she is so content and relaxed going from one structure to another. Every moment we spent with the chimps is a privilege, but I do think it’s a special privilege to be able to witness Jamie after hours on Young’s Hill. This particular night, though I didn’t get any photos, Burrito and Annie joined Jamie for a while on the hill in the early evening, then Annie and Missy were back out for one last quick adventure before Jamie decided she was done for the night.
Maybe you guys need some benches along the path so that you can sit and enjoy the beautiful view.