Today is Missy’s 49th Birthday!
Unlike previous birthdays for Missy, today was chilly and rainy. However, that didn’t stop the chimps from foraging out on Young’s Hill!
If you aren’t familiar with Missy’s interests, she is our tomato enthusiast. She had at least one form of tomato for each meal so far today. As we speak, caregiver Ellen is making a tomato-based soup for all the chimps to enjoy at dinner. I know Missy will be over the moon!
Happy Birthday to our tomato-lovin’, tree-climbin’, athletic, graceful, birthday girl, Missy! I can’t believe she is 49 years old today. She ages so gracefully.
Photos from today
Annie foraging:
Foxie climbing up a structure:
Foxie moving grass out of her way, but looks like she’s doing karate:
Jamie on top of a structure:
Missy and Annie sitting on the artificial termite mound:
Missy enjoying a juicy tomato: