As Sabrina said yesterday, sanctuary is often all about enjoying the small things.
For Jamie, having a LOT of small things gives her even more enjoyment 🙂
Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest
Hope. Love. Home. Sanctuary
by Diana
As Sabrina said yesterday, sanctuary is often all about enjoying the small things.
For Jamie, having a LOT of small things gives her even more enjoyment 🙂
It’s no secret that Jamie Chimpanzee loves books, and after being on the nice list and getting lots of gifts at Christmas, she had amassed quite the book collection. Today we decided to give her lots of her books to look through all at once and called it Library Day. It was a blast! Sabrina and I had fun decorating for the occasion – setting up all of her books on their own shelves, and then providing cabbage, radicchio, and juice as refreshments for the event. It turned into a library party when the stars aligned and their enrichment for the day was peanut butter puzzles, so they got a lot of things they enjoy all at once!
Above: Jamie looking through her books.
Above: Jamie drinking juice from a tea cup.
Everyone except for Negra took turns drinking from the large juice pool by the library setup. Negra made her way upstairs quickly to the peanut butter puzzles and blankets and soon was cozy in her newly built nest.
Here is a photo of Negra that I took recently, being her wonderful, regal self.
I hope you all enjoy the video from today, and have had a wonderful holiday season. The celebrations continue at the sanctuary with Burrito’s birthday which is quickly approaching! If you would like to send gifts to help him celebrate, please check out our wish list here.
PO Box 952
Cle Elum, WA 98922
[email protected]
501c3 registered charity
EIN: 68-0552915
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