We’re in the middle of writing up the catalog for the Celebrate the Seven auction, and I’ve got to tell you – we have a lot of really fabulous stuff, and LOTS of it! Now we need to sell those tickets out! So, if you haven’t already – email everyone in your address book and tell them not to miss this event. Ticket sales are picking up – better get yours today! And email me to let me know if you’re able to flyer in and around Seattle – I’ll hook you up with some gorgeous flyers and leave-behind cards.
Here are a few of the items up for grabs: yoga classes, etched bottles of wine, getaway packages (like a NY stay and Candle 79 dinner, an eagle-watching float trip, a week in Mazatlan, and a Caribbean cruise), gift boxes of vegan meat (that’s right – vegan meat made locally by Field Roast), jewelry, NASCAR tickets, special label wine with a photo of Missy and Annie on it, numerous Seattle hotel overnights, rafting trips, wine tastings, gift certificates for so many restaurants my head is spinning, boarding for companion canines, custom portraits, and art worthy of our own gallery show! Check out just some of the art here. This is going to be one amazing evening.
Thank you to everyone who donated and helped procure items.