Earlier this week, Burrito did some more exploring of Young’s Hill with Jody.
Jamie climbed to the top of one of the bouncy bridge posts.
Missy and Jody played chase.
Once Missy picked up the pace, though, Jody couldn’t keep up.
The biggest news of all is that Negra ventured out to check out her cabin yesterday. Luckily Jackie and Debbie captured these photos or I would have had a hard time believing it. She didn’t make it all the way inside the cabin, but it was a big first step for her. You just never know when Negra is going to switch things up and try something new.
We’re not the only ones that get excited when the chimps do something out of their comfort zone – the other chimps get excited too. As Negra sat by the cabin, she was greeted by a parade of her friends who came by to reassure her with hugs and kisses.