You may be asking yourself, “What is a scuttlebutt?” Scuttlebutt is a U.S. Navy term for rumor or gossip. When on ship, a sailor’s water source was a “scuttlebutt.” “Scuttle” meaning drill and “butt” meaning cask. In layman’s terms, a scuttlebutt is a water fountain. This was just a long about way to say “water cooler talk;” a place where people gather to gossip.
The term (and concept) of scuttlebutt popped into my mind as I watched both groups converge on their tables or cattle troughs full of snow. My mind then wondered to what the chimps may be saying to each other in their secret language around the scuttlebutt. What kind of gossip would they tell each other?
Though I cannot say 100% for sure what they would gossip about, I think I have a decent guess on what Burrito would gossip about: the neighbors!
I will admit that I didn’t think of this blog until a little later on, so I missed out at the group gathering of Burrito’s group at the sandbox table. But I am not here empty handed.
Missy in particular has been seen at the scuttlebutt multiple times throughout the day
On her way to dinner, Negra stopped by for a quick refreshing treat
And of course sweet, sassy Foxie had to partake
Though the concept of snow is still new to Lucky’s group and they have yet to go onto the snow-glistened Bray, they have at least determined it’s a great treat.
Rayne and Lucky in particular have been seen with snow throughout a majority of today
Willy B also was seen by caregivers returning to the source of the snow whenever he finished what he had
And Cy
There was also a nice moment with half-siblings Mave and Terry at the snow pile
Until something is invented to know what they are truly thinking, I will just sit back and imagine what they would gossip about.
Bonus photos!
Lastly, we are finally in the month of December! That means planning for Christmas is well upon its way. A lot has been added to our Amazon Wish List in preparation, with more being added each day. Be sure to check it out to see if there is anything you can help out with. We (chimpanzees and caregivers) would greatly appreciate it!
Kare says
Love the photo of Terry and Mave. Are they playing brain freeze?
Kathleen says
This will date me but my friends and I used to say “What’s the scuttlebutt” as a way of saying what’s the scoop or what’s going on in your world. Haven’t heard that word in ages. Thanks for bringing the term back into the light!
I’m not sure what the Scuttlebutt Crew communicates to each other when they get together but I think it is nice seeing friends gather together to enjoy a common treat. Sometimes experiences are better when shared with your companions. Great photos of everyone. Especially that closeup of Cy!
Tobin says
What’s the buzz in Chimptown? Assuming that Burrito and his crew keep attuned to the CSNW blog everyday, he has to be telepathically gossiping with Foxie, Missy, et al about how the bumpkins next door were featured in yesterday’s post, behaving like you’d expect wild animals to act. Given the contention for the prestige of being Number 2 in the hierarchy, it is easy to surmise that Jamie would’ve made a droll comparison between the fracas displayed by the chimps next door and a certain political party’s fevered contest among its contestants for a distant second place standing. Just sayin’…
Meanwhile, the contents of today’s less bellicose blog features a forecast of Rayne… and snow…
Linda C says
well, without seeing the caption, I was able to identify those Californians! I’m getting there!
And how did we ever doubt that Mave and Terry were related!?
Yes, I’m sure Burrito would be saying, “can you believe that fight over at the neighbours’ the other day? I still can’t get over it….”
Chad, that’s so kind….I don’t recall anyone calling Foxie “sweet” before! Hope she got her tea (both literal and figurative!)
CarolR says
Thanks Chad for that first adorable photo of our special boy, Bubba. The other photos are great too….oooooh that snow is cold in my mouth! What’s the chimpy gossip…….there must be a LOT of it! We’re sweltering into another heatwave here in Australia, so I’ll just pop my toes onto those snow piles and feel cooler at least.
Eli says
Bubba is such a nosy neighbor, isn’t he? It just tickles me how much he loves watching the neighbor drama.
Of course, it’s also great to see everyone enjoying a nice mouthful (or several) of snow. You’d never guess that the chimps would end up being such fiends for snow!