Thank you to everyone who donated new or gently used top bed sheets. I promise it has been non-stop play and nesting since they have arrived! This blog is a part II for all the fans who loved watching the chimps, mostly Honey B and Rayne, play with the sheets! For those who may have missed all the fun a few weeks ago, there is a blog about how fun sheets can be. Not all sheet fun was able to be captured over the weeks, but Honey B sure is enjoying them! I hope you get a few giggles out of this one. 🙂
Rayne nesting with a beautiful lavender sheet (might be her favorite):
Bonus photos! This morning as I let Foxie’s group out onto Young’s Hill and caregiver Jenna let Lucky’s group out onto the Bray, I was able to capture some photos from both sides.
Foxie was the first out to greet the day and found a little leftover forage along her way:
Lucky set out for the hammock this morning:
Eventually, she climbed up higher for a better view:
Gordo went out this morning too (maybe to get a glimpse of a tiny little chimp across the way):
After a little while he sat down and took in the view:
Jamie was very focus on listening to her noisy neighbors:
Later, I found one of my favorite versions of Jamie, upside down Jamie! Upside down Jamie is goofy and usually very playful (note the HOOT! Book in her pocket):
Jamie is still holding on to her HOOT! Boot Book very tight:
And the handsome devil, Burrito napping in the window:
Linda C says
Wait, Kelsi, please explain that last photo! Was Burrito napping while he was standing on his head?!
I am loving this little long distance thing between Gordito and Foxie…
Marya says
After a long day of yukky paperwork it was a pleasure to open your blog post, Kelsi. Thanks for these great photos. I really need to practice my sheet-nesting skills since this obviously is a fun thing I’ve been missing out on! I think my sheets are too neat & this is a good lesson in loosening-up and throwing them around for best comfort. I adore the pics of Lucky up on the platform surveying her territory. I’ll bet there are critters across the acres who can see her and are wondering “What on earth is that???!!!” Not like any raccoon or bear they’ve ever seen, that’s for sure!!
Gaynell says
Honey B reminds me of me tossing and turning and kicking off the sheet on these hot summer nights we’ve been having. Minus, a slinky of course. The platform photos really made me smile.
Kathleen says
Is it a coincidence Honey B chooses to nest right below that padlock? I think not. Be forewarned and beware! Can you pick a lock with a broken piece of a Slinky? 🙂 Honey B is one of a kind. Love her!
Thanks, Kelsi, for all the bonus photos. I’ve been drawn to Lucky since day one. Seeing her enjoying the Bray, especially from her platform with the expansive views, makes me so happy. As does seeing Jamie’s face….right side up or upside down. I can see what good friends you are with Jamie in every photo you take of her.
CeeCee says
Ha ! I had that same thought about that smarty pants Honey B and the padlock .:slight_smile:
Gaynell says
Kathleen, are you thinking Hose Heist turned Lock Pick. You would have thought she would know where the cameras are pointed by now.
Linda C says
Kathleen says
Oh Gaynell, I do believe Honey B has scoped out and noted every single spy camera. My thought is that she’s playing to the cameras! Note that the famous hose caper commenced the instant the last caregiver closed the door on the way out. Roll that beautiful bean footage! Or….maybe it’s more like, “Alright Mr. DeMille, I’m ready for my close-up.”
Linda C says
Kathleen, Honey B is ALWAYS ready for a close up!
Deanna says
This girl knows how to relax and have fun!!! I mean who DOESNT LOVE sheets!!!
Tobin says
Honey B is just so Charming! I especially appreciate her utility of the scrub brush to attend to the sole of her right foot. Let there be no doubt: Beezie has a detail for hygiene maintenance (as opposed to magazine maintenance, perchance…then again, perhaps she had read an article with which she needed to express her disapproval).
Paulette says
:joy: :star_struck:I love when Honey B brushes her hair! And foot!! She is just endlessly entertaining. What a spirit:heartbeat:
Talking of sheets… I wanted to share this with you. A few weeks ago as I was browsing Amazon I came across a lilac colored blanket/sherpa. Sweet Jody came to mind so I ordered it in her honor. So whenever you see that lilac blanket, it will bring Jody to mind. Here is what it looks like