The time of year is upon us when greens and browse items are especially plentiful. Negra took advantage of today’s forage by eating her way through ample amounts of mini bok choy brought to us by Charlie’s Produce who delivers our weekly produce orders and a browse forage of cattails picked fresh from our nearby pond. If you want to help keep the chimpanzees stocked up on produce, consider becoming a Produce Patron. Many happy food grunts from Negra and her fellow sanctuary residents to all our Produce Patrons!
Marya says
I must say, these are very fun photos of the very persevering Neggie and her mini bok choy! I adore boy choy, too, but I must admit I’ve never put two heads into my mouth at the same time, even of the mini variety. I’ll have to try it but I’m sure I won’t be as successful at it as she is. And even if I can manage to get them in my mouth, I don’t think chewing will be possible even with her showing me the way! Delightful pics — I think I’ll leave the cattails to her!
Linda C says
I can’t tell if it’s 2 or 3!!!
My goodness, Neggie!
Kathleen says
These photos are the best! No wonder Negra celebrated her 50th this year looking younger than ever, she has such a healthy, fresh diet! Every single day.
Thank you, Charlie’s Produce, for keeping my dear friends so healthy and happy.
Marie says
Look at the size of that Mouth!…Negra probably saw Jamie coming …Knowing she
would trying to demand “PATROL COMPENSATION” 😀
Susan Kathleen Feeley says
Well, we could certainly take a “leaf” (ha ha) out of Negra’s book eating and enjoying the healthy goodies. (as a produce patron I really get a kick watching the chimps devour these tasty morsels).
Marcie says
Lucky Neggie. Your royal subjects are here to look after all your needs, your majesty.
Paulette says
Too funny!:joy:
Best quote from comments: “Negra probably saw Jamie coming”:joy: