One of the best spots to build a morning nest is the upper platform in Greenhouse 1. From there the chimps can watch the sun rise over the trees above Young’s Hill as they wait for the staff and volunteers to bring them breakfast. Foxie’s nests aren’t really nests, per se, as she doesn’t like to lay on blankets or anything soft, nor does she like anything that even hints of being natural, like leaves or straw. It’s all bare floors and benches for this girl—but she is always sure to have a favorite doll tucked in close to her chest.
Negra, on the other hand, likes her nests well-padded. While her evening nests can be works of art, these morning nests are often hastily arranged. No matter, she barely awake anyway and it won’t take much for her to drift back to sleep.
If you climb to the ridge above Young’s Hill, you will find another pasture with a large spring-fed pond. This is where our small cattle herd spends much of their summer, often choosing to sleep under the stars instead of returning to their barn at night. This year I purchased some portable fences, which can be set up on a temporary basis to manage how the cattle graze the pastures. Early one morning I set some up to rotate the cattle through an ungrazed section of this upper pond pasture. It’s always a joy to see the cows run through a new pasture, especially one that still grows some green grass during these dry Central Washington summers.
What an idyllic scene!
You know what I don’t recall? Burrito building a nest or lying in a nest. You all cover a lot of his silliness, antics and activities so it’s hard to imagine him being still. Now it could be just my memory, but…
He’s not much of a nest builder. He does like to steal an empty nest and he will often drape one or two blankets around him in a half-hearted attempt to make a nest. He will also use what we jokingly refer to as his “modesty blanket” to cover just his middle half 🙂 But he doesn’t have any problem being still at the end of the day. In fact, he gets a bit upset if we work late after he’s gone to bed.
he gets a bit upset if we work late
that’s hilarious:rofl:
Paulette, I too was thinking of the word “idyllic” when I saw the pic of the bovines.
Burrito is making progress. I’ve seen one of their videos where he used to do the hand motions of making a nest, but with empty hands! A sort of “phantom nest”. JB will correct me if I’m wrong, but he seems to have gotten better at it after the recovery from the bites.
Thanks, J.B., for resolving a question that I have long had about the cattle: After a long day performing their lawn maintenance duties, do they return home at night? ’tis nice to hear that it is warm enough that they can have a camp-out under the stars if they so desire.
I love the pictures of Neggie rocking some serious bed hair! Seems like she may have awaken from a dream in which she visited a peanut warehouse…
Lol, Tobin, I think in her dreams, she OWNS the pea ut warehouse. Remember the comics of Scrooge McDuck rolling around in his piles of money? Like that, but Neggie rolling in peanuts!:upside_down:
I know …:grin:
I think she styled it that way! …or maybe Foxie did:wink:
All the photographs in this post are terrific as usual, but that shot of the large pasture w/The Family Bovine grazing is a stunner. And still so green.
Yes…but, in your dreams you don’t just get a bag….you get the whole warehouse!…..I wish I lived there so I could tuck poor Burrito in properly…..go steal a nest Bubba….the girls can always build another:face_with_hand_over_mouth::shushing_face:
I guess with advice like that…… I wouldn’t make the best volunteer but I’m good in the kitchen……
I have all 10 fingers!:grin:
Location is everything! The art of the nest! Mountains of blankets for some and for others just a safe place to rest your head. The top photo of Neggie is particularly sweet. She is usually totally covered up so it’s nice seeing her with her head resting on her arms and hand just as we would do.
Wow. Lost Horizon found!! The cows reside in Shangri-La! Thank you, JB, for creating this idyllic home for them. You think of everything.