Today’s enrichment theme (blanket forts) didn’t get the chimpanzees as excited as we caregivers thought they would be.
Instead, Burrito decided it was the perfect morning to goof around with a slinky!
Enjoy the video on this snowy winter afternoon.
Blankets are for resting and snoozing but a slinky is for noise and FUN! I laughed when Burrito finally got the slinky un-kinked and shooting straight out and back again. Burrito never disappoints!!
And, I will add, Negra looked pretty darn satisfied eating her lettuce (or is it cabbage?) on that big cozy blanket. Her two favorite things! I bet when nap time rolled around your brilliant idea looked like the perfect enrichment.
Stay warm….
a bit of that was celery
Burrito was making us all chuckle. It was probably cabbage since that’s what we’ve had in stock lately. And yes, Negra made her own compact blanket nest afterward, adjacent to the monstrosity us caregivers tried to build!
What is, really, cute is that Burrito, always enjoys having a, wooden, block in his mouth.
Some things never change.
I wouldn’t consider that ruined at all, Anthony. My suggestion for another one is: show Willy be this video, then hand him a slinky and film The reaction. Reverse it to Burrito.
I wouldn’t consider that ruined at all, Anthony. My suggestion for another one is: show Willy be this video, then hand him a slinky and film The reaction. Reverse it to Burrito.
Thanks, LC! That sounds like one of those funhouse mirrors that just reflect each other for infinity. Two chimps watching videos of each other watching videos of each other…
BURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR……..I thought the forts looked good…..I remember building them indoors and out………?
Thanks, Tom! And yes, it’s cold but fortunately the heated floors work wonderfully. I like to think that they complement the blankets we pass out… like warming up a tortilla before rolling it into a burrito.
That’s a good analogy! :smile::taco:
I forgot to ask—-did NEGGIE get all her blankets back from the thief…???
Yes, Negra was able to collect enough to build a compact little nest right above our own impostor nest.