Today was unseasonably warm. The girls took off shortly after breakfast for the first of many patrols.
Burrito, on the other hand, cursed the mild weather and set out to eat every last patch of snow before it was too late.
Recently, the Washington State Department of Transportation released an image from their camera on Sherman Pass that some say looks like Sasquatch. If I didn’t know any better, I might think it was Burrito in search of more snow.
One of highlights of each day for the chimps is the moment the two groups are “reunited” at a distance. During the colder months, the outdoor enclosures are closed off at night so they can only call back and forth to each other through the walls. But each morning they meet again, and the displaying and flirting can be intense.
Here, you can see Mave and Willy B entering the chute while the Cle Elum Seven emerge from the greenhouse onto Young’s Hill with the remains of their lunch.
Burrito, Jody, Jamie, and Missy:
Burrito, Jody, Foxie, Jamie, and Missy:
Foxie and Jamie (look how gray Foxie is getting!):
Negra and Foxie:
Eventually both groups begin to resume their normal activities, checking on each other from time to time until they eventually go to bed for the night. Tomorrow, we’ll go through the whole routine again.