Today’s day of sanctuary was sponsored by Amy Ferreira and her family in memory of their beloved pitbull, Soldier. Amy shared this message about today:
“Sponsored in memory of Soldier, our 14 year old Pitbull Rescue. His personality quirks and loving gentle nature made him so special to us. And we love seeing you honour the Chimps’ personalities, quirks, and their day to day choices! The work you do and your blogs sharing with us are good for the soul!”
Amy, we are so touched that you would sponsor a day for the chimpanzees in honor of Soldier’s memory. It makes us so happy to know of rescue animals, especially sweet pitbulls, finding the loving homes they all deserve. Thank you for all you do to make the lives of so many animals better and for having given Soldier such a special forever family all his own. We are so happy to get to share in his life and honor him here today.
Soldier and his human sibling:
Amy shared that Soldier’s version of troll dolls were his much adored “quacker” stuffed duck toys which he loved to nest with. I suspect Foxie would understand completely:
Soldier is so handsome. How lucky he was to be rescued into such a loving home. What a wonderful way to honor him by helping the chimps. It is amazing how deep our love for animals can be.