Often times Missy will join Jamie on her perimeter walks around Young’s Hill (the chimps’ 2 acre outdoor enclosure), although I suspect her mission is a bit different than that of Jamie’s. Jamie is all business as she walks, checking to make sure nothing is out of the ordinary and that her home is safe from intruders (and that at least one cowboy-boot-wearing human is accompanying her on the other side of the fence).
Missy on the other hand uses the opportunity to move every muscle in her body, while getting a cardio workout at the same time. It’s not that she doesn’t support the bosses’ mission (she is actually the first one to offer back up to any of the other chimps), it’s just that with so much to explore, there’s no time to waste. And you have to act fast to get snow and ice chunks before they melt.
Today, Missy walked behind Jamie about half way around Young’s Hill before venturing off.
She paused briefly to eat a few small chunks of ice before continuing.
She made sure to check all her favorite spots for the treats (you can see her arm reaching in the tire swing) while Annie sat on top of the structure.