Yesterday we got about 6 more inches of snow at the sanctuary and staff and volunteers spent the day battling the weather with car chains, snow shovels and the tractor. Today was one of those beautiful winter days where the sun and blue sky makes the new fallen snow blindingly white. The weather has warmed considerably, causing snow to fall in massive piles off the roof of the chimp house. J.B. took the opportunity of clear, warm weather to dig the chimps a pathway out on Young’s Hill to one of the climbing structures.
Annie was first on the hill and she sat in the new pathway for probably 10 minutes. I watched her enjoy a quiet moment with the warm sun on her face and back.
This photo should give you a good idea on how deep the snow is getting.
The snow bank around her provided easy access for a cold snack.
When she decided she’d had enough fresh air, Annie took some snow back inside with her.
A special thanks to J.B. for all his snow removal efforts and to all the volunteers who have braved the snowy drive to the sanctuary!