What’s one way to make seven chimpanzees awfully happy? Throw a spontaneous party. Supporter Lisa Stuverud sent us a box of decorations and enrichment for a cowboy party (and of course we already had dozens of cowboy boots thanks to Jamie’s obsession), so we had everything we needed for a good time.
Jamie was the first into the greenhouse, and she was throwing back her first drink before most of the others even made it out the door.
She checked high and low for hidden treats. Here she’s getting ready to use a fire hose to swing up into one of the windowsills where we often hide food:
Foxie sampling the pomegranate juice:
Negra went through several of these boot bags filled with shredded paper searching for sunflower seeds.
Burrito’s strategy was simple: to find as many pieces of chow as one man could hold.
Thanks, Lisa, for making the chimps’ day!