As a fitting tribute to Kathy Cochran’s birthday, I used the beautiful telephoto lens she gave us way back when with the new camera that the board of directors recently purchased for us. It’s so great to have high quality equipment to capture moments at the sanctuary and share them. Perhaps one of these photos will be in the book Sanctuary: Year Three.
Jamie’s love of boots…
That is a beautiful picture of Jamie. I so wish that we could find a boot maker to make her a pair of boots that fit her foot. I feel that she is so deserving of that.
She can be so intense.
Oh yaaay!!!! Those look like the boots I brought her ~ I am so thrilled to see her enjoying them and I cannot imagine a better use for them!! Woot! Or maybe that’s a pant woot! 🙂 Jamie is looking gorgeous, thank you for the beautiful photos of her Diana. But yes, she deserves a pair made just for her. How does one measure a chimpanzee foot?? :/
And Happy Birthday Kathy! Thank you for all you have done for the chimps and CSNW which in turn brings all of us so much joy as well. Have a wonderful day!
that brilliant for you to be able to see Jamie enjoy your boots Kate !
These are the MOST beautiful photos of Jamie ever. What an intense and intelligent person she is. Oh to know what she is thinking and scheming while studing those boots. Good choice Kate!
She’s an inspector in her very own boot factory and she’s making sure these boots adhere to the “Jamie’s Rules for Boots” construction!! 🙂
Her face is so intent and her eyes are crystal clear.
Thanks for the boots Kate and thanks for the amazing pics Diana. I agree……….these ARE the most amazing pics of Jamie so far!!
Love the first picture, she has the same intensity that Foxie has when looking into the eyes of her troll babies. Diana, I love the way Jamie’s face is so sharp, clear and bright and how the rest of the photo has a misty-look to it. Kathy, fantastic gift you gave CSNW.
Linda..I thought the same thing. Jamie – a quality control inspector!!!!!! You can see how focused she is. Beautiful.
Stunning photos of Jamie.
lovely pics thanks everyone ! xxx
This isn’t just a passing craze. Jamie’s really seriously into boots!
Serioulsy in to boots is right!
The clarity of these new photos is amazing. I love her expression and focus. I, too, wish we could get a measurement of her feet and have her a pair of boots made that really fit! She would be so excited! I don’t imagine measuring a chimp’s foot is easy though.
Thank you, Kate for the lens and Happy Birthday to you! Pant hoots!
I have been in contact with a company that makes vegan footwear to see if they can possibly make some custom boots. Also, J.B. had an interesting idea about cutting boots down the side and attaching velcro or something – so that Jamie can slide her foot down.
I have been looking around as well. I like the vegan footwear idea. Please keep us posted!
Will do!