OK – I have the somewhat unpleasant duty to announce that Trixie got, um, well, a “haircut.” The day after our last installment, we found Trixie sadly lacking in the pink hair department. Foxie has been with Princess and the other new troll off and on since they were introduced, but each has also spent some time with Jamie. Jody even carried one around today! Foxie always has at least one of them with her, but has been sharing the other one. Both trolls are now also lacking hair – Jamie seems to think that trolls are more attractive sans hair.
This is a good opportunity to say that chimps are very strong and very destructive with the objects we give them, so please keep them coming!
PS. Not the best pic here, but I like what it captures: Foxie giving her baby a kiss!
Shelly Knapp says
Hmmm…well, as they say “bald is beautiful” 🙂
Shelly Campbell says
Kissing her baby, how special is that! Pretty much says it all…….happy, content and very safe. You can see it just by how relaxed they are…..hugs and kisses to the 7 from heaven!
Audrey says
Oh, Sarah, this is a sweet picture of Foxie kissing her baby. How adorable!!!!!
I think maybe Jamie feels like the troll dolls fit in with the family more without their wild bright colored hair….she is just a parent who isn’t going to let her children go with the “punk rock” look. 🙂
Paula says
I have to agree…bald is beautiful….including trolls…maybe they thought since their (the trolls) hair was an odd color and not the same as their own hair..it had to go…..that is just too funny…
Margaret and Karen says
Ok, so Trixie et al have had hair cuts. It reminds me of the time a young person ion our lives, about 8 or 9 years old I think, decided that her barbies had way too much hair! She gave them all a cute pixie cut. Maybe, Jamie thinks the same way.
Jeani Goodrich says
The picture of Foxie kissing Princess is beautiful. To think, only 2 months ago this wonderful girl wouldn’t touch any of the enrichment items. She looks so content and happy now. Thank you for sharing this special moment.
dee says
yeah this is a great photo!
wondering if Jamie would do the same if the trolls had black hair(?)
Shelly Campbell says
I just found the cutest Troll Doll on ebay and she was a Happy Birthday Troll Doll, large 12 inches, of course I had to buy her for Foxie, now that I have these 7 beauties, and I have no kids, but I do spoil my dogs rotten, look out ebay….they have tons of troll dolls and very nicely priced!!!!!
Mike Lewis says
Clearly this is a case of discrimination regarding trolls. Perhaps two trolls, one with pink hair, the other with black hair, might be introduced in order to determine the survival rating of the two hair colors. Chimplications are clearly extensible.
Shelly Knapp says
“chimplications” ~ that’s funny!
Tamela says
I was talking to my husband about the chimps and the trolls and I was asking why the troll dolls, why not some other kind of dolls? He said because the troll dolls look more like the chimps in the face and that other dolls look like humans. Duh! I felt stupid that I hadn’t thought of that, but I do think they pulled out the hair from grooming them like they would their own babies. I wish I lived closer and I would replace the hair of the trolls so that they could groom them all over again.
Shelly Campbell says
Like the way Burrito was grooming the Chimpanzee stuffed animal!!!
dee says
Tamela – I think your husband is right .. it took me a while to figure it out .. the big eyes and the overall face .. plus I believe that some of those teeny tiny baby chimps don’t have a lot of hair overall also ..