Negra looks on as Foxie opens a birthday gift
Jody and Missy in a mess of wrapping paper. Missy with raisin board.
Annie opening a gift
Missy and Jamie looking out window at horses in field. The chimps are still using a lot of the gifts, like the sturdy yellow table Jamie is sitting on, from the last party donated by blog readers through our Target and Amazon wish list; and the humans are very gratefully using all of the kitchen stuff we received! We’re still adding new items to the Amazon wish list (see link at right) – the latest items received include a Little Tykes wrench and a mirror so we can see the chimpanzees when they are on the second level in the playroom. A huge THANK YOU to all who have donated their time, talent, gifts and money in order for us to care for this very unique group of seven.
Five chimpanzees on catwalk resting in front of the windows after a terrific party.